Python learning road _day_19 (commonly used module 3)

1. re module

Python regular expression:

raw string:

The raw string form is to add an r or R prefix to the normal character transfer literal, for example:



There is only one special thing about the original string, that is, the backslash character '\' in it is not used as an escape character, and remains as it is in the corresponding string object. The backslash character before single and double quotes is still used as escape. symbol.

Metacharacters (special characters)

The regular expression package specifies a set of special characters, called metacharacters. They play a special role when matching strings. There are 14 such characters in total:

. ^ $ * + ? \ {} [] ()

Main operation:

In the function description below, the pattern in the parameter expresses the pattern string (the string describing the regular expression), the string expresses the string to be processed, and the repl expresses the replacement string, which is another string in the operation.

  1. Generate a regular expression object: re.compile(pattern, flag=0)

r1 = re.compile(‘abc’)

  1. Search:,string,flag=0)

Retrieves the substring in string that matches pattern. Returns an object of type match if found; otherwise, returns None. The relevant information of successful matching is recorded in the match object, which can be checked and used as needed. You can also use the match object simply as a truth value for logical judgment.

  1. Match: re.match(pattern,string,flag=0)

Checks whether strings have a prefix matching pattern. Returns the corresponding match object when the match is successful, otherwise returns None. E.g:, 'aaabcbcbabcb') # will match successfully

re.match(r1, 'aaabcbcbabcb') #return None

  1. Separation: re.split(pattern,string,maxspilt=0,flags=0)

Use pattern as the separator string to split the string. The parameter maxsplit specifies the maximum number of splits, and 0 indicates that the entire string is required to be processed. The function returns a table of strings separated by values. For example:

re.split(‘ ‘,’abc abb are not the same’)

get: ['abc', 'abb', 'are', 'not', 'the', 'same']

re.split('', '1 2 3 4')#Separates several empty strings

得到:[‘1’, ‘2’, ‘’, ‘3’, ’’, ‘’, ‘4’]

  1. 找出所有匹配串:re.finadall(pattern, string, flag=0)



  1. subprocess模块


sub 子

process 进程











run 返回一个表示执行结果的对象

call 返回的执行的状态码

总结: subprocess的好处是可以获取指令的执行结




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