Error 2059 when mysql connects to the database

Error 2059 when mysql connects to the database


A new version of mysql8 is released, and a 2059 error occurs after installation. The reason is that the encryption rule in versions before mysql8 is mysql_native_password, and the encryption rule after mysql8 is caching_sha2_password.
So change the encryption method back to the old version through the command line.


admin run cmd

Execute the command
to enter the database: mysql -u root -p
If you are prompted that MySQL is not an internal or external command, you need to add the MySQL bin directory to the system environment variables.
insert image description here

use mysql;

Check the current encryption method:
select user,plugin from user where user='root';

You can see that the encryption method of the current user is caching_sha2_password
insert image description here

Modify the encryption method

First, you need to check what the host of your root user is,
select user,host from user;
insert image description here
and then modify it according to the host:
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '123456';
the bolded place needs to be modified to your own host name and password.
insert image description here
Finally, refresh the permissions to successfully connect.
flush privileges;
insert image description here

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