PHP connects to MySql database

Here I will introduce the mysqli of PHP. This command can be used for both object-oriented programming and procedural programming. Using pre-compiling can effectively prevent SQL injection problems. Give an example code directly (the following code is not precompiled, object-oriented):

$conn=new mysqli("localhost","root","root","test");
$conn->query("set names 'utf8'");
$sql="INSERT INTO `user` (`name`,`password`) VALUE (\"Peter\",\"123456\")";
if($conn->query($sql)) echo "操作成功"; else echo "操作失败";

(The code below is precompiled and object-oriented)

$conn = new  mysqli ( "localhost" , "root" , "root" , "test" ) ;  //Database address, username, password, database name 
$conn - > query ( "set names 'utf8'" ) ;  //Modify the character set 
$sql = "INSERT INTO `user` (`name`,`password`) VALUE (?,?)" ;  //SQL statement, the question mark is the parameter to be bound after precompile 
$conn_stmt = $conn - > prepare ( $sql ) ;  //precompile 
$comm_stmt - >bind_param("ss", $name , $pass ) ;  //Binding parameters 
$name = "Peter" ; #pass = "123456" ;  //Prompt that the actual operation does not need such a simple password 
if ( $conn_stmt - > execute ( ) ) echo " The operation succeeded" ;  else echo "The operation failed" ;  //Execute and judge the result 
$conn_stmt - > close ( ) ;  //Close the precompiled 
$conn - > close ( ) ;  //Close the connection 
? >

//Use the procedure-oriented method to connect to the database
 $conn = mysqli_connect( "" , "dingyifeng_f" , "zxcvbn" , "dingyifeng" ) ;
 //Use the object-oriented method to connect to the database
 $db = new mysqli( "" , "dingyifeng_f" , "zxcvbn" , "dingyifeng" ) ;
 //Use PDO to link the database
 $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . '' . ';dbname=' . 'dingyifeng' . ';';
