ggplot--python version of ggplot2

This is the official website of ggplot (, which is very similar to ggplot2 in R. Unfortunately, it seems that it has not been updated since 2016.

Simple example:

import pandas as pd
from ggplot import *

ggplot(aes(x='date', y='beef'), data=meat) +\
    geom_line() +\
    scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y"))+\
    stat_smooth(color='blue', span=0.2,method='loess')

The generated graph is as follows:
insert image description here
Simple Example 2:

ggplot(diamonds, aes(x='carat', y='price', color='cut')) +\
    geom_point() +\
    scale_color_brewer(type='diverging', palette=4) +\
    xlab("Carats") + ylab("Price") + ggtitle("Diamonds") 

The resulting graph is as follows:
insert image description here

The installation method of ggplot in python:

$ pip install -U ggplot
# or 
$ conda install -c conda-forge ggplot
# or
pip install git+

However, there will be some ggplot during use, the reason should be that ggplot has not been updated, and many other python packages have been upgraded.

Problem 1:
AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'tslib'

#1. Change `pandas.tslib.Timestamp` to `pandas.Timestamp` (in and stats/
#2. Change `from pandas.lib import Timestamp` to `from pandas import Timestamp`. (in

Problem 2:
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'sort'

#Change `smoothed_data.sort('x')` to `smoothed_data.sort_values('x')` (in
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