I failed in the interview on Jingdong, and then look at the interview questions two years ago, it is not difficult at all

I just came out of JD.com, and I was faced with two difficulties. I remember that when the senior went to the interview two years ago, the questions asked were very simple. Why is it so difficult now. Before the interview, I also swiped a lot of questions and read a lot of materials. After thinking about it, there are many Java materials on the Internet these days, and Java interview documents are emerging one after another, but it is difficult to distinguish which materials are useful.

The answer is clearly not enough! So why?

Because the current programmer employment environment has long been different from two years ago.

If you interviewed two years ago:

Take the JVM as an example, the interview questions may only be brushed to the JVM memory model, OK is enough! But if you come to the interview now:

The JVM memory model has long been a well-known technical point, so in order to screen more suitable talents,

The interviewer may ask you again: what is an execution engine? What is escape analysis? And GC tuning principles and so on.

This means that everyone must brush the interview questions to brush the most suitable ones.

I got a PDF document with a total of 485 pages from this senior. He is the architect of JD.com T9, and this is also the latest facebook he has organized by himself.

Not only has it sorted out the most popular technologies of JAVA, but also analyzed the underlying principles in the document.

The content covers: Java, MyBatis, ZooKeeper, Dubbo, Elasticsearch, Memcached, Redis, MySQL, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Linux and other technology stacks.

See the end of the article for how to get it for free!







There is a lot of content in the document, which is limited by the length of this article. If you want, click the business card below to get it for free!

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