C language address book management system_address book management system (C language)


#include<stdlib.h> //The header file of dynamic memory allocation malloc




#define LEN sizeof(struct Link) //symbolic constant whose number of bytes is the number of bytes of struct Link

struct Link //Define the contact information structure


char name[20]; //name

char unit[20]; //Work unit

char phone[15]; //phone number

char mail[20]; //E-mail address

}Link_s[100]; //Can store 100 contact information

//declare the functions to be used in the program

void input(); //Create new contact information

void enquiry(); //Query contact information

void alter(); //modify contact information

void del(); //delete contact information

void display(); //Display contact information

void menu(); //Main menu

void menu()//Main menu function


system("cls");//Call the system("cls") function to clear the interface

printf("nnnnn");//Control the display position of the main function menu

printf("tt|***************Address management system***************|n");

printf("tt| 1. New contact information|n");

printf("tt| 2. Query contact information|n");

printf("tt| 3. Modify contact information|n");

printf("tt| 4. Delete contact information|n");

printf("tt| 5. Display contact information|n");

printf("tt| 6. Exit the system|n");


printf("Please select function (1~6): n");


int main()//main function


int n;

menu();//Call the main menu

scanf("%d", &n);//User selection function



switch (n)


case 1:input(); break;

case 2:enquiry(); break;

case 3:alter(); break;

case 4:del(); break;

case 5:display(); break;

case 6:exit(0);


printf("Please select the function (1~6): ");

scanf("%d", &n);//User selection function


return 0;


void input() //Create a new contact


int i, record = 0;//Define a loop variable and a variable that records the number of contacts in the address book

char ch[2];//The character array is used to record the user's input

FILE* fp;//Define the pointer variable to the file

if ((fp=fopen("data.txt", "a+")) == NULL)//Call the fopen function to create a new text to save the contact information


printf("Can't open folder!n");



while (feof(fp) == 0)//Determine whether the file is over


if (fread(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) == 1)//Use the fresd function to read the records in the file into the structure array one by one



fclose(fp);//Close the file

if (record == 0)//Determine whether the current address book is empty

printf("No contact record!n");



system("cls");//Clear the screen

display();//Display all the information of the contact


if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "wb")) == NULL)//If opening the file fails


printf("Cannot open the file!n");



//rewrite data to disk

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)

fwrite(&Link_s[i], LEN, 1, fp);

printf("Whether to create a new contact (y/n)");//Prompt the user for input

scanf("%s", ch);

while (strcmp(ch, "Y") == 0 || strcmp(ch, "y") == 0)//Determine whether the user needs to create a new one



scanf("%s", &Link_s[record].name);

/ / Determine whether the user input name exists in the address book

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)

if (strcmp(Link_s[i].name, Link_s[record].name) == 0)


printf("Name already exists, please press any key to continue.");





printf("Work unit:");

scanf("%s", &Link_s[record].unit);

printf("Phone number:");

scanf("%s", &Link_s[record].phone);


scanf("%s", &Link_s[record].mail);

if (fwrite(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) != 1)//Save the new contact information to a disk file


printf("Cannot save record!");

getch(); //Press any key to continue




printf("%s information saved successfully!n", Link_s[record].name);



printf("Continue to create new contacts? (y/n):");

scanf("%s", ch);



printf("New completion!n");


void enquiry() //Query contacts


menu();//Call the main menu

FILE* fp;

int i, n, record = 0;

char ch[2], name[20], phone[15];//Define the array to receive the user's input information

//Open the disk file and read the address book in the disk file to the memory structure array one by one

if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "rb")) == NULL)


printf("Cannot open the file n");



while (feof(fp) == 0)//Determine whether the end of the file is reached

if (fread(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) == 1)

record++;//The final value of record is the address book entry


if (record == 0)


printf("No contact info! n");



printf("Search by name, enter 1, search by phone number, enter 2: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

if (n == 1)


printf("Please enter your name:");

scanf("%s", name);


if (n == 2)


printf("Please enter the phone number:");

scanf("%s", phone);


/ / Find the specified information in the address book by name or phone number, and use the character comparison function

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)

if ((strcmp(name, Link_s[i].name) == 0) || (strcmp(phone, Link_s[i].phone) == 0))


printf("Find the contact, whether to display it? (y/n):");

scanf("%s", ch);

if (strcmp(ch, "Y") == 0 || strcmp(ch, "y") == 0)


printf("Name work unit phone number E-mail tn ");

printf("%-s %-s %-s %-sn", Link_s[i].name, Link_s[i].unit, Link_s[i].phone, Link_s[i].mail);




/ / Determine whether the loop ends because the contact is not found or because it is found but the contact information is not displayed

if (i == record)

printf("No contact found! n");


void alter() //modify contact information


menu();//Call the main menu

FILE* fp;

int i, j, record = 0;

char name[20];

if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "r+")) == NULL)


printf("Cannot open file!n");



while (feof(fp) == 0)

if (fread(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) == 1)


if (record == 0)


printf("No contact record!n");





//Modify contact information//

printf("Please enter the name of the contact you want to modify: n");

scanf("%s", &name);

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)


if (strcmp(name, Link_s[i].name) == 0)


printf("Find the contact! You can modify the data! n");


scanf("%s", &Link_s[i].name);

printf("Work unit:");

scanf("%s", &Link_s[i].unit);

printf("Phone number:");

scanf("%s", &Link_s[i].phone);

printf("E-mail address:");

scanf("%s", &Link_s[i].mail);

printf("Modified successfully!");

//Open the disk and write the modified contact information to the disk

if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "wb")) == NULL)


printf("Can't open file! n");



for (j = 0; j < record; j++)

if (fwrite(&Link_s[j], LEN, 1, fp) != 1)


printf("Cannot save!");

getch(); //Press any key to continue






printf("The contact information was not found! n");//The contact information was not found


void del() //delete contact information


menu();//Call the main menu

FILE* fp;

int i, j, record = 0;

char ch[2];

char name[15];

if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "r+")) == NULL)


printf("Cannot open the file!n");



while (feof(fp) == 0)

if (fread(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) == 1)



if (record == 0)


printf("No such contact record!n");




// delete contact information

printf("Please enter the name of the contact you want to delete: ");

scanf("%s", &name);

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)


if (strcmp(name, Link_s[i].name) == 0)


printf("Found this contact, do you want to delete it?(y/n)");

scanf("%s", ch);

if (strcmp(ch, "Y") == 0 || strcmp(ch, "y") == 0)

for (j = i; j < record; j++)

Link_s[j] = Link_s[j + 1];


//Write the deleted address book to the corresponding disk file

if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "wb")) == NULL)


printf("Cannot open file!n");



for (j = 0; j < record; j++)

if (fwrite(&Link_s[j], LEN, 1, fp) != 1)


printf("Cannot save!n");

getch(); //Press any key to continue



printf("Deleted successfully!n");




printf("No such contact record!n");


void display() //Display contact information


menu();//Call the main menu

FILE* fp;

int i, record = 0;

fp = fopen("data.txt", "rb");//Open the file for reading and writing

//Read the address book record

while (feof(fp) == 0)


if (fread(&Link_s[record], LEN, 1, fp) == 1)



fclose(fp);//Close the file

printf("Name work unit phone number E-mail tn");

for (i = 0; i < record; i++)

printf("%-s %-s

%-s %-sn", Link_s[i].name, Link_s[i].unit, Link_s[i].phone, Link_s[i].mail);


run screenshot







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